My gait is not being tracked

Modified on Mon, 25 Sep 2023 at 02:00 PM

Primary Cause

If the your whole ride/training is recorded with the proper time and distance/path, but you don't get any gait, there was likely an issue with the accelerometer or gyroscope in your device. These are the components of your device that enable Equilab to track your horse's gait based on your motion as a rider (you can learn more here).

As a first step to solve such issues, please delete and then re-install the Equilab app on your device. Note that you will not lose any of your data if your delete the app, as all of your information is securely stored on our servers. You will need to log back into your account after re-installing, however - so if you need to confirm which login method, go to Profile > Settings > Account to see whether to use your email, Apple, or Facebook login.

Alternative causes

If your training gets disrupted by a pop-up notification saying that your ride was interrupted, please refer to this section of our support site.

If deleting and reinstalling the app does not work, and you are unable to solve the issue by taking steps to resolve interrupted rides, you may have a hardware issue with your device. Such issues can only be solved by getting a new device - but we suggest reaching out to our team first to have them confirm before you make such a purcahse.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at We're always here to help.

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