Recommended smartphone specifications

Modified on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 at 04:15 PM

To ensure that Equilab can track rides as accurately and best as possible, we recommend using a mobile device that has the following traits.

  • A gyroscope sensor -- which helps improve the accuracy of gait detection by more precisely measuring the motion of your device and therefore your horse. 
  • At least 4GB of RAM (ideally 8 or more) -- which ensures Equilab can effectively process location and motion data without your device shutting it down.
  • Is less than 5 years old -- the phone's GPS transmitters and sensors wear out over time, especially if the device has been dropped multiple times. Equilab will, of course, work on older devices too (the performance may simply decrease with time).

Additionally, Equilab has observed that the following smartphone brands and models have lower quality sensors and/or batteries, which often results in them having diminished tracking performance with Equilab:

  • Xiaomi 13T devices (sensor issue that inhibits accurate gait tracking)
  • oppo devices (frequently shuts down Equilab, interrupting tracking)
  • realme devices (frequently shuts down Equilab, interrupting tracking) 

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at We're always here to help.


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